Monday, July 19, 2010

Comparison of my culture with the American culture

Culture is the way people think about values and assumptions and how they import them into their life. It is also related with the way they use to express their opinion and how they behave. Every culture differs from the others and has its own values and assumptions.

One of the cultures that people try to introduce their selves in, is the American culture. In my opinion, the main characteristic of this specific culture is patriotism without fanaticism. I have noticed that almost all of the American people have their country's flag hanged outside their houses and I believe they really care about America and its future above almost everything else. We can understand their loyalty to their country by the way they obey to the government and do a lot of things to support her. Another characteristic of American culture is kindness. American people use to greet you when they see you even if they do not know you personally or have never seen you. They are communicative and helpful towards the people who need their assistance and I believe that it is hard for them to deny to do something that will serve you if you in your turn be nice with them. A very good feature of American culture is the fact that the Americans learn how to behave individually almost from the beginning of their life. This is beneficial or them and their country's progress.

In my country, Greece, people love their nation but sometimes they overdo it. I am talking about fanaticism, which unfortunately exists in Greece. A percentage of Greek people support their country with more passion and intensity than they have to, and that leads them to conflicts and troubles that should not occur in a civilized country. One of the most famous Greek culture's characteristics is hospitality. Greek people are always eager to help the tourists and make their life easier. They are also kind towards them and also show them why our country was famous for its people hospitality since the years of Hercules and Odysseus. Finally, the Greeks are direct nad they say what they want to say without thinking about the consequences.

Greek and American cultures are different but as almost every other culture, they have some common traits and characteristics and the one has taken some features from the other. One of these is hospitality. Both Greek and American people are kind and helpful towards visitors of their country. Finally, they both are loyal to their country even though the Greeks sometimes overdo it.

Tryfon Boukouvidis

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