Sunday, July 11, 2010

Movie Magic

My movies are “8 mile” and “Harry Potter”. These two movies have some colors which are very significant. As we know, colors express feelings and can be part of the meaning of the movie. There are some similitudes among the two movies in the use of colors and in the colors that have been used. However we are going to present these two movies separately in order to be able to explain better the meaning of colors, and how we will do a mosaic for each one of the movies.

In 8 mile, the main colors are blue-green hue and black. The blue-green that is almost everywhere in the movie shows loneliness and desperation. Most specifically in the scene where Eminem is on stage in a lyric’s battle with the other black we can see that Eminem has a gray t-short which shows dignity and sadness. The background has a blue hue it looks like a black with the crowd which is part of this background and almost everyone in the club has blue jacket and blue or black bonnet. IF we put all these colors with a soft light together we have a conflictive area. We can feel aggressiveness in the crowd and in the stage and everywhere in the room and the opposition among black and with in the room. The black microphone that the guy gave to Eminem is also expressing, that means opposition among two people or two ideas. In word it is rap.
In order to do my mosaic for 8 mile, I’m going to use dark blue for the background with some variation of dark brown and light brown for the people. In each side we are going to see a mark of yellow to express the light and also how that all people around are focus on the stage. The red color of the stage means all things intense and passionate, like war and aggression.
In the movie “Harry Potter” we can see also that the blue is the main color, a dark blue. The background is also blue with gold in the middle of the room in the chandeliers. This mix means majesty and loyalty, wealth. It’s like a world apart. The red dress of the lady who is always talking is the expression of power and aggression. It’s important to notice the way that the members who teach the students make the difference in the clothes that they wear. Their clothes’ color is different. One color is also seeable is black and that does not surprise because it’s the expression of evil and magic.

The mosaic for this movie will be simple and expressing as the hall in which the students and teachers are. We will have a yellow line between the tables with a golden line to express the majesty of the room. We will also have a dark blue as background.

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