Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Everybody needs a superhero - Jacob

Well, about 60 years ago, we had a war going on and our ancestors couldn't avoid the suffering of being poor, because we had nothing left to loose. Then the country developed so fast, we became more greedy than other people. That has lead us to think that to become rich is the answer for survival. Some believe in an academic background, a fortune from your parents, appearance, a muscle(or slim) body, and fashionable clothes.

Those things are not enough.

This strong desire to become rich has permeated throughout the Korean society affects everyone gaining wealth has become the purpose of life.

My photomontage begins with a poor little guy with nothing on him. He keeps thinking 'What if?' the whole time. He wants to have things that he never had before. He wants to have things he wants. He also want to become very attractive to every women. He wants to become a perfect person, just like the perfect time ad's which points 10:10 (35sec). He wants to have a place that not everybody could provide. He wants to have a car which shows his wealth to people. The reason why I post the car brand is because the import cars also needs lots of taxes in my country, which means wealth. He wants to become the most wealthiest, strongest, famous people like Mark Wahlberg (the guy with sunglasses).

The people who likely an icon is Rain, Ban Ki-Moon, Lee Byung-hun in our country. Wealth, fame, and power is the three parts that most of the Korean people are dying for. 60 years of rapid growth results the country with this kind of side effect. If you want to talk about icon in our country, go to the richest city GanNam in Seoul. You will find the answer in there.

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